Engulf, verb: (of a natural force) sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely. Fearful, adjective: feeling afraid; showing fear or anxiety, causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; horrifying. Grimace, noun: an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust, pain, or wry amusement; verb: make a grimace. “…and this year’s top marketing rep is, Cassie Roberts!” Mark’s announcement was met by applause and eyes all turning in my direction. I forced a smile onto my face and hoped it looked like a smile and not a grimace. Each new set of eyes was like another wave of panic as I slowly stood and walked towards the stage. The further I walked the deeper I became engulfed in the panic that had started at a slow boil when I learned I was even in the running a few weeks ago. Later Derek would tell me that he might have been the only one to recognize that the look in my eyes wasn’t a happy glint but a fearful pleading ...
I'm a librarian who enjoys reading and sharing my thoughts about reading, writing, cooking, and life.