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Showing posts from May, 2018

Book Blogger Hop: May 25th - 31st

Book Blogger Hop Do you remember the first book you read by yourself? I don't but it was probably either a Dr. Suess book, a Little Golden Book or an Amelia Bedelia book.

Book Blogger Hop: May 11th - 17th

Book Blogger Hop Could you ever pick a favorite book or is it like choosing your favorite child? It's like choosing my favorite child.  Now if you said what's my favorite Nora Roberts book easy, Divine Evil .  What's my favorite children's book(s) The Amelia Bedelia Series.  If it's a more direct favorite question I can answer it, but there's no way I can pick one over the others.

Peek Inside a Book - Jane Austen, the Secret Radical

When I was deciding to come back to the blog I was looking through all the blogging memes that the blogs I read follow. I had done Book Beginnings and The Friday 56 a handful of times, but over at  Mixed Book Bag , JC merged them together and I really like that idea.  So borrowing from her I'm going to start linking up to both Book Beginnings on Friday from  Rose City Reader  and The Friday 56 with  Freda's Voice . This week I'm reading: Jane Austen, the Secret Radical   by Helena Kelly It Begins:   England in April. Even here, in Southampton, in a town full of soldiers and sailors, in a country at war, April is still April. On Page 56: Henry Tilney is highly educated, highly literate, a self-confessed lover of novels ("I have read hundreds and hundreds"). He's an expert reader. He boasts that he finished Udolpho  "in two day"; that's two full days of uninterrupted reading.  Verdict: I'm not done, but so far I...

Book Blooger Hop - Week of May 4-10

Book Blogger Hop May 4-10 Do you ever feel like you have emerged better for reading a book? Yes, both fiction and nonfiction books have had an impact on my life.  I'm never surprised by nonfiction books, because I tend to pick up ones that I want to learn something from, it's always a surprise when a fiction book makes me stop and think about a life choice or how I view the world.  I don't know why it surprises me, as an author you want your work to impact the reader in some way, and if my work of fiction can get someone to think about a topic or themselves in a better light then didn't I do my job if they were also entertained?

It's Monday! What are you reading? May 7

So my plan is, each Monday to update anyone who reads this on what I'm currently reading and what I may have finished in the last week. Currently Reading: Title:   Jane Austen, the Secret Radicial Author:  Helena Kelly Date Started:  May 7 Note:  Jane Austen book club selection Title:   Circe Author:  Madeline Miller Date Started:  April 22 Note:  Book of the Month selection Title:   The Catholic Youth Bible Date Started:  January 1 Note:   Roof Beam Reader  -  Read the Bible as Literature Event Currently Listening: Title :  Atlas Shrugged Author : Ayn Rand Narrator:  Christopher Hurt Date Started : August 23, 2017 Note:  On part 5 of 7 Finished Reading: Title:   Shoeless Joe Author:  W.P. Kinsella Date Finished:  April ?? Stars:  4 Title:   Before We Were Yours Author: Lisa Wingate Date Finished: April 12 Stars: ...

Book Blogger Hop: April 27th - May 3rd

Book Blogger Hop Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters in a novel? YES! I read 1 novel by this author and loved it, so when I saw another novel by her at a book sale I picked it up expecting another great story.  Welp, it started off great. Girl gets a chance at love, and all this other great things...AND THEN SHE DIES! I have never picked up another book by this author. I have re-read and will recommend the first book I read by her, that books still wonderful. I won't post it all here but reach out to me and I'll tell you which books. 

#2018BibleRBR 1 Samuel 13-31

RoofBeamReader Really falling behind in my reading/posting, but I'm not going to give up, I'm going to power through and read this thing! So instead of focusing on this whole half a book, I'm just going to focus on the story of David and Goliath.  I've always liked the story, the story of an underdog who can overcome. That's how this story is presented time and again.  Then I saw the following TED video from  Malcolm Gladwell and it blew my mind. Now having read the story, it really isn't the story of an underdog. It's the story of a skilled shepherd using his known skills to take down a bigger opponent. It's still a great story, and we can still pull some useful stuff from it to apply to our everyday lives, but it's not the way we originally heard the story.  It's not the story of an underdog, it's the story of a boy who used his skills to take down a foe. Use your strengths to accomplish feats and not think you have to be o...