I've recently found a bunch of blogs that help me pass the time at work. Today I added a new one, and I wanted to share them with everyone just in case we share a similar interest...
Geekish themed Blogs:
Wil Wheaton's blog: http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/
Hawaiiup's Lost podcast/blog: http://www.hawaiiup.com/lost/
Geek Girlfriends: http://geekgirlfriends.com/
Book/Library themed Blogs:
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books: http://www.smartbitchestrashybooks.com/
Librarilly Blonde: http://librarillyblonde.blogspot.com/
Awful Library Books: http://awfullibrarybooks.wordpress.com/
Book Patrol: http://www.bookpatrol.net/
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future: http://tinyurl.com/kqymkk
Random topiced Blogs:
American Princess: http://americanprincessblog.com/
Fit Bottomed Girls: http://fitbottomedgirls.com/
This is the new one! The Pancake Project: http://thepancakeproject.blogspot.com/
Geekish themed Blogs:
Wil Wheaton's blog: http://wilwheaton.typepad.com/
Hawaiiup's Lost podcast/blog: http://www.hawaiiup.com/lost/
Geek Girlfriends: http://geekgirlfriends.com/
Book/Library themed Blogs:
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books: http://www.smartbitchestrashybooks.com/
Librarilly Blonde: http://librarillyblonde.blogspot.com/
Awful Library Books: http://awfullibrarybooks.wordpress.com/
Book Patrol: http://www.bookpatrol.net/
100 Best Blogs for Librarians of the Future: http://tinyurl.com/kqymkk
Random topiced Blogs:
American Princess: http://americanprincessblog.com/
Fit Bottomed Girls: http://fitbottomedgirls.com/
This is the new one! The Pancake Project: http://thepancakeproject.blogspot.com/
I've noticed that Apathy Games is not on that list. My heart is now broken. I feel shame.