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Showing posts from August, 2014

Cookbook Review: Twelve Recipes

Weekend Cooking  is hosted by and is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, quotations, photographs.  For more information, see the  welcome post at Beth Fish Reads. Twelve Recipes by Cal Peternell My rating: 3 of 5 stars I had high hopes for this book, but sadly I felt that it was just okay. The whole idea of learning twelve recipes that will be the foundation of so many recipes to come. Peternell starts off by saying that this book was built from sharing these core recipes with his sons. It's more than just twelve recipes and his hope is that you can learn just one from each chapter and then build off that one to create more. I liked that this cookbook had "Breakable Rules." Except the first rule isn't breakable and it's one that I fully believe in, it's to "taste everything and tasted often."  Even if it's a re...

Reader's Workout: Color Run (Walk)

Reader's Workouts is a weekly event which is hosted over at  Joy's Book Blog . --- I didn't hit any of my goals this week.  It was a slightly painful week for me. I work up Wednesday and felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I had limited movement in my head and it turn to really move at all. I called out of work, iced it and was very thankful that I had an appointment with my chiropractor later in the day.  As the pain of that started to go away I started to get pain in my sciatic. So again I was thankful to have an appointment with my chiropractor Monday morning and now I'll be going back tomorrow (Wednesday) night for another appointment. I'm hoping (and if you could send positive vibes my way) to be back in walking shape for Saturday.  I'm walking a Color Run this weekend.  If you don't know a Color Run is a 5K where at various points along the route you get hit with colored powder (see image above). So at the end of it all you are a rain...

Hax Writer - App review

Screen shot of what I wrote with the app. The first thing I ever typed a story on was an old typewriter.  I loved playing with that thing.  Even if I wasn't really typing anything the sounds it made were the best. Then I 'upgraded' to an electric typewriter/word processor. It still made a cool sound when I had it the electric typewriter mode, but it wasn't the same.  Then my house made the switch to computers and I've kinda missed the sounds. I've thought about getting a typewriter. I just don't have the space. I don't know if I would use it, but I would love to have one on display and around just to hit the keys.  While this app can't really compare to the joy of pressing down on a key and hearing the click of a typewriter, it does come close! I first heard that Tom Hanks was a fan of typewriters last year in an Op Ed he wrote for the New York Times " I Am TOM. I Like to TYPE. Hear That? " He lists three reasons for owning a typewriter and...

Reader's Workouts - Unbalanced Scales

Reader's Workouts is a weekly event which is hosted over at  Joy's Book Blog . I'm a Fitbit wearer, I like that it helps me keep active and moving during the week.  If you also wear one feel free to  friend me ! --- I've been feeling a bit unbalanced the late few weeks.  I'm looking at this scale as sort of the balance between meeting my step goal, and tracking my food. I start off each week feeling as if I have the scale balanced but by the end of the week the scale always seems to tip one way or the other. Last week I set some Mini-Goals for myself : Track everything even if I go over on calorie count Hit at least 4,000 steps a day, even if I have to pace around the house at night to reach that count Well I started off good on tracking my calorie count and then we hit Friday night.  We went out for pizza and I really had planned to just eat 2 slices of thin crush tomato pie. I couldn't stop at just two!  So then the weekend hit and I play...

Austen in August Mini-Reviews - List Lovers and A Darcy Christmas

The List Lover's Guide to Jane Austen by Joan Strasbaugh My rating: 4 of 5 stars It's really just a book of lists. I really enjoyed it and think it's a great resource to have on hand. I can already tell I'll be using it as a reference for writing blog posts in the future over at CNJ JASNA . A Darcy Christmas by Sharon Lathan My rating: 2.5 of 5 stars This includes three novellas by three authors. Mr. Darcy's Christmas Carol  by Carolyn Eberhart. -3 Stars This novella changes the end of P&P so Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth don't get married alongside Bingley and Jane.  Then it follows the basic plot of A Christmas Carol.  It was an okay story. Honestly the reason this got 3 instead of 2 stars was because there was a brief visit with Anne and Frederick! Christmas Present by Amanda Grange. -4 Stars This was the only story to stick closely to the characters of P&P.  In this one it's about a year after the end of the novel and som...

Reader's Workouts - Mini Goals

Reader's Workouts is a weekly event which is hosted over at  Joy's Book Blog . I'm a Fitbit wearer, I like that it helps me keep active and moving during the week.  If you also wear one feel free to  friend me ! --- I'll start off by echoing a lot of what I said last time I posted a Reader's Workout: Things haven't been going good for me on the fitness front, since my gym buddy had her scheduled changed for the summer I found it easier to make excuses to not go walk the track or go walk on the treadmill at the gym.    I've slacked on tracking my food  I had promised to go to the gym and I made it that one day.  I had wrote " My plan is to get back to the gym Thursday after work, barring any disasters, I should be able to hold myself to that promise. " Then the itching started, just a few bites on my legs but by Thursday I was covered in little groupings that hurt they itched so bad.  I had broken out like this back in November and went...

Mini Book Review - Film in Five Seconds

Film in Five Seconds: Over 150 Great Movie Moments - in Moments! My review in five points: Guess movie titles by decoding the pictures on each page, answers are in the back I thought I knew my movies but so many of them stumped me! Digital book was okay, but I think print book would be the best way to 'read' this book. This would be great as a party game. A must for film buffs!

July Reading Challenge Updates

Here's Where I Stand on the I Love the Library Challenge Books Checked Out and Read: And One Last Thing by Molly Harper Divergent by Veronica Roth (BCD) Up at Butternut Lake by Mary McNear The Messenger by Lois Lowery (BCD) Son by Lois Lowery (BCD) Beowulf - J.R.R. Tolkien (translator) The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains by Neil Gaiman (BCD) Heartbreaker by Julie Garwood Books Checked Out and Currently Reading Longbourn by Jo Baker (BCD) Books Checked Out and Not Read - Yet Joie Warner's take a tin of tuna (cookbook) The Everything parent's guide to sensory processing disorder by Terri Mauro The Ninja Librarians: The Accidental Keyhand by Jen Swann Downey Books Checked Out but Didn't Read Belle: The Slave Daughter and the Lord Chief Justice by Paula Byrne Living Sensationally by Winnie Dunn (I skimmed the book and then purchased the book) The Closer by Mariano Rivera Books Checked Out for School Assignments Animal, Vegetable, ...

Writing Exercise #13 - Friday Flash 55

Describe your favorite sound Snore. Snore, whimper. Snore, whimper. Snore, soft bark. Snore, soft bark. Snore, whimper. Snore, whimper. Snort. Yawn. Snort. Hack. Snort. Hack, hack, hack. Gag. Lick. Yawn. Lick, lick, lick. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Plunk-swish. Plunk-swish. Plunk-swish. Plunk-swish. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. Lick. Yawn. Snort. Lick, lick, lick, lick. Snort. Snort. Snore. Snore. Deep breathing. Snort.