Book Beginnings on Friday from Rose City Reader
The Friday 56 with Freda's Voice.
This week I'm reading: Wanderers by Chuck Wendig
It Begins:
The woman who discovered the comet, Yumiko Sakamoto, age twenty-eight, was an amateur astronomer in Okayama Prefecture, in the town of Kurashiki.
On Page 56:
Shana reached down, massaged her calves through her jeans. Walking all night had left her exhausted. She asked Zig: "You bring me breakfast?"
As I said on Monday, the novel is a bit slow-moving but it's engrossing. There are a number of storylines and I'm intrigued into how they are going to intertwine. Each time they get woven together it's another OMG or AHA moment that just adds to the story. I'm really enjoying it and I already know it's going to be my next 5 star book of 2019.
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