My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I know this review is late, but I needed to read all the books in the series and then I felt I had to give myself time to digest the awesomeness that was that series.
I was addicted to these books! No sooner had I finished one than I picked up the other and dove right in, and I didn't even really like the first books when I started reading. That bothered me because I had be dying to read this series. I read her Highlander series and I love it, it's one of my constant weekend re-read series. When I heard that the Fever series was a kind of crossover I knew they would be read.
Like I said, I got worried because I didn't really like Mac, she bothered me and that worried me since she's the star of the books. Then I realized that I didn't understand why everyone was so OMG over Barrons. But I knew that I would finish the series, I needed to know the fate of the world, I needed to know the fate of these people, even if I didn't really like them.
The week I read these books I was suffering a bout of insomnia* and was up all night reading. I began to realize why everyone was so OMG over Barrons as I became obsessed with him. Mac, nope still didn't really care about her.
I've picked up the first graphic novel and can't wait to read it!
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*due to medication
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