This sadly has been labeled as Did Not Finish.
I made it as far as the third chapter and was really forcing myself. I just couldn't get myself interested, which is really sad because this has been sitting on my TBR Pile for awhile now. I thought the concept was really interesting and reminded me a bit about Eat, Pray, Love, but it just didn't capture my attention.
I've said this in other reviews and I'll repeat it here, a character needs to make me want to read their story. I didn't really care that much about Julie. If this had been a non-fiction book, I may have been more interested in what the author found out about the single life around the world. As a fiction book, it wasn't enough to keep me reading.
*Spoiler Alert*
I skimmed ahead in the book to see if anything later on would catch my attention. Nothing did, and what I did skim, I didn't like. Julie has an affair with a married man. I know it's a was done with a sense of realism, but I don't like reading about affairs. If I had read further in the book I would have probably stopped at the point where she starts the affair.
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